Elloquay is a whole-being healer. She weaves ancient healing modalities with modern day psychological understandings, threading her knowledge of human anatomy and of the human condition into a deep container of holding, guiding her clients to heal and experience their own inner capacity and knowing.
Her healing modalities include traditional earth based healing methods such as soul retrievals, dense energy extractions, and past life healings. She also incorporates meditation, energy and breath practices from various traditions, and is a vibrational medicine practitioner and light language worker. Vibrational medicine is sound medicine … drums, bells, feather and voice are a few of the ways Elloquay creates sound. Sound is a fundamental component of life, and of healing. As a light language worker, Elloquay speaks, sings, writes and dances light language. Light language is just that, it is the language of light. Human beings are light, we are light in expression. Aren’t we amazing!?! Light language is specific vibrational medicine that works at the level of essence, at the level of you as light. Light language re-codes DNA, clarifies cellular function, re-enlivens dormant wisdom and sparks innate potentials. Elloquay works at this level of knowledge and access with each of her clients and students.
Elloquay works with clients and students sparking their innate wisdom and facilitating the healing of wounds that cause disease, disorder and disconnection. Her expertise is in helping people who feel lost, alone or afraid to find their home, their connection and their love of Self.